KY Lingering Ash Project
KY Lingering Ash Project

Contact Information

Dr. Ellen Crocker
Assistant Professor, Forest Health Extension

730 Rose St. Lexington, KY 40546


Seed Collection from Lingering Ash Trees

Seed Collection from Lingering Ash Trees

We are seeking seed collection from large (>10” DBH) white and green ash trees.  Trees should be healthy, not previously or currently chemically treated for EAB, and should be naturally occurring on the landscape - not planted or nursery grown.  To be considered a potential lingering ash, ash mortality should be >95% for untreated ash trees in the area for at least several years.

Green Ash
(Fraxinus pennsylvanica) seed

green ash seeds

Photo courtesy: Paul Wray Iowa State University,

White ash
(Fraxinus americana) seed

white ash seed

Photo courtesy: Keith Kanoti, Maine Forest Service,

Ash seed should be collected between September and December in Kentucky. Mature seed should have light to dark brown samaras and be intact with no signs of physical damage.    Only healthy, mature ash seed should be collected and submitted for this study.  Please store ash seed in paper bags at room temperature, and mail seed as soon as possible.  Seed collection should be limited to one tree/bag; do not store seed collected from multiple trees in the same bag and please be sure to enclose a completed submission form in each bag.  

Click here to view the seed collection form

Please see the link below for detailed instructions on ash seed collection: 



Contact Information

Dr. Ellen Crocker
Assistant Professor, Forest Health Extension

730 Rose St. Lexington, KY 40546
